
Optimized Resveratrol Elite™

Original price was: $25.50.Current price is: $20.40.

Resveratrol supplements help support cardiovascular and brain health, and shield against oxidative stress. The problem is ordinary resveratrol has low bioavailability. Optimized Resveratrol Elite™ combines a highly bioavailable trans-resveratrol (the form of resveratrol found in grapes and Japanese knotweed) with an enhanced-bioavailability form of the plant polyphenol quercetin for heart and immune support.

resveratrol leaves

What is resveratrol?

Found in red grapes, as well as Japanese knotweed, resveratrol is a plant compound that promotes and maintains optimal health and longevity.

Why did we add quercetin?

Quercetin is a bioflavonoid nutrient that supports healthy cellular function, cardiovascular health and has also been shown to encourage a healthy immune response.

What Is Optimized Resveratrol Elite™?

Resveratrol is an anti-aging supplement that’s good for your heart, mind, and cellular health. But traditional resveratrol has low bioavailability. This formula contains trans-resveratrol in a hydrogel coating to improve bioavailability a whopping 10x! That is combined with a high-bioavailability form of quercetin—a phytonutrient that’s good for your heart and immune system. This advanced formula allows your body to make the most of these super-nutrients’ health benefits.

Resveratrol is a longevity nutrient. Quercetin promotes heart and immune health. This supplement gives you a healthy dose of both.

Optimized Resveratrol Elite™ Benefits

  • Longevity nutrient trans-resveratrol for whole body health
  • Provides 10x better bioavailability*
  • Promotes heart, brain and cellular health
  • Protects against oxidative stress
  • Contains quercetin for heart & immune support

*Than unformulated resveratrol

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Why Should I Supplement With Optimized Resveratrol Elite™?

For years, health seekers have celebrated the benefits of red wine. But it’s not really the wine, but the resveratrol in the wine that helps you maintain optimal health and longevity. The only setback is that you’d have to drink several glasses to reap the benefits.

Optimized Resveratrol Elite™ can help you take advantage of these longevity benefits without red wine. It’s formulated with highly bioavailable trans resveratrol, so it’s absorbed more easily by your body. It’s vegetarian, gluten free, non-GMO and manufactured right here in the USA.

So make the most of the health benefits of these super nutrients and say cheers to a longer, healthier life with Optimized Resveratrol Elite™ from Life Extension.

Reviewed by Dr. Michael A. Smith, MD: Director of Education and Spokesperson for Life Extension.

Resveratrol is a well-known longevity and anti-aging supplement.1 Our Resveratrol Elite™ formulas contain trans-resveratrol, the form associated with beneficial biological effects.2-5 Resveratrol also promotes healthy insulin sensitivity, supports a healthy inflammatory response and has been shown to promote healthy endothelial function for a healthy cardiovascular system.4,6,7

A more bioavailable resveratrol

We’ve combined resveratrol with galactomannan fibers from fenugreek seeds. This makes our Resveratrol Elite™ formulas up to 10 times more bioavailable. This means that the trans-resveratrol in this product reaches higher levels and circulates longer than traditional, unformulated resveratrol.

Resveratrol and heart health

One way that resveratrol can promote heart health is by helping to shield your cells from oxidative stress.8 By inhibiting oxidative stress in your cardiovascular system, resveratrol promotes endothelial health and function—an essential component of living a long, healthy life.9

Resveratrol and brain health

At the same time, resveratrol has shown an ability to help the brain and cognition: in a randomized controlled trial, it encouraged healthy neurological and metabolic function as well as brain blood flow. These are additional ways in which resveratrol can bolster even more essential aspects of healthy longevity.10

Augmenting resveratrol with quercetin

Our formula also delivers quercetin, a phytonutrient that complements resveratrol. Quercetin is an important bioflavonoid that also helps inhibit oxidative stress and promotes a healthy inflammatory response, promotes cardiovascular health and helps maintain already-healthy blood pressure. Quercetin also promotes neurological health and supports healthy cell division.


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These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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