The Carb Conundrum: Balancing Health and Taste for Better Brain Function

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Balancing Health and Taste for Better Brain Function

To find better brain function, start looking in your kitchen. You can begin in your pantry or cabinets. Food that needs no refrigeration is highly suspected. It would be best if you were particularly observant of packaged foods that have a long shelf life without refrigeration. When the contents do not spoil, something is added to the process. It is probably a processed food. Nuts and grains are typically unprocessed, but read labels carefully for anything else.

The tastes that are most pleasurable to the palette are salt, sweet, and fat. Conventional medicine has mistakenly made a case against fat consumption in favor of low-fat foods. In most cases, adding sugar compensates for losing the taste of fat. If you are not getting the picture, let me explain further.

Dr. David Perlmutter, author of the #1 New York Times best-seller, Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers says, “Researchers have known for some time now that the cornerstone of all degenerative conditions, including brain disorders, is inflammation…And what they are finding is that gluten, and a high-carbohydrate diet for that matter, are among the most prominent stimulators of inflammatory pathways that reach the brain.”

Also, according to Dr. Perlmutter, there is a link between gluten sensitivity and neurological dysfunction based on increasing numbers of studies confirming the same. Gluten can be another source of cognitive impairment.

Carbohydrates Are a Tremendous Source of Sugar

I have nothing against 7-11 stores, but I have nothing for them, either. It is no wonder that they sell so many lottery tickets. Customers who purchase meals or snacks there are gambling with their lives anyway. The salty snack and the sugar-laden drink are killing people and contributing to obesity. Corn, potatoes, wheat flour, other starches, and sweet beverages cause sugar spikes. These spikes are nasty to the heart and increase fat accumulation. Any sugar that is not burned is stored as fat. The body prefers to use sugar for energy first, then to consume its fat. A problem arises when there is too much sugar; the body never gets to burn the fat. Welcome to obesity.

Today Dementia Is At Record Levels

Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes have reached epidemic proportions. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are following suit. Elevated glucose levels in the bloodstream increase the risk of pre-dementia or mild cognitive impairment. Medical nutritionists aware of these facts name Alzheimer’s disease diabetes type 3.

Today’s average person has not yet identified the relationship between sugar and carbohydrates. Before they know it, they have developed diabetes or are pre-diabetic and face possible cardiovascular disease. I am writing this to warn you of the Western diet’s path.

A Ketogenic Diet Will Help Restore Peak Brain Function

Of course, other popular diets promise positive results but do not give you the whole truth. One famous example would be the Mediterranean Diet. The main problem I find with adopting this diet is the consumption of olive oil. Oils in a bottle come already oxidized. This happens when the oil is exposed to air, heat, or light. You would do good to avoid oils in bottles altogether. (Oil is an example of processed food.) This attempt to eat healthier floods the body with free radicals contributing to oxidative stress.

The objective is to replace carbs and sugar with healthy fat. Burning fat over sugar results in the body’s production of ketones. Once your body is again burning fat for its energy, a transformation will begin. Remaining in that state for periods will also result in a trim appearance with weight loss.

Avoid foods with added sugar, leave the potato chips and french fries alone, and stop eating bread and pastries for a week. I know you will notice a difference. When you stay off gluten, your body will significantly absorb supplemental nutrition from vitamins and minerals. Always supplement because even organic foods lack all the necessary nutrition. Give your body something to work with; it will treat you better.

Watch this quick video for more information about eliminating gluten and why.


If you are a reader of this article living in a western country, be warned. You may think that you can get all the nutrition you need from eating right, but it’s impossible. Why?

  • The USDA Food Pyramid is entirely wrong.
  • Soils are depleted of mineral content by western farming methods
  • Farmed fish and animals are grain-fed and not allowed a natural diet
  • Farmers grow fruits and vegetables by using chemical fertilizers with only three minerals, and you need at least 60
  • Gluten compromises the absorption of vitamins and minerals

Our Healthy Body Start Pak 2.5 provides 90 essential nutrients: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and two essential fatty acids.


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Stuart Brown, D.D.


1 Comment

  1. Willie Dye

    I have enjoyed this information. It put me in a more mindful state when consuming cooked and cold cereal products.

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