Increase Immunity, Strengthen Bone Marrow

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You can increase immunity by not eating the bowl of oatmeal you are so fond of having each morning. You would stop if you knew it could threaten your immunity and resistance to invaders like COVID-19. Does this seem far-fetched to you? Let me explain. Wheat, rye, barley, and oats contain a sticky gluten protein that destroys essential tissue in the small intestine and lessens immunity after many years of consumption. Destruction of tiny raised finger-shaped tissues called villi takes place by gluten. Now that they are no longer functional, your health steadily declines because their job is to absorb calories and nutrients from foods.

What to Consider To Increase Immunity

Gluten Intolerance

This sticky gluten, or in the case of oats, gliadin, a gluten component, adheres itself to the small intestine lining. The word gluten comes from “glue,” not by coincidence. After a considerable accumulation of this sticky protein develops in the small intestine, gluten intolerance occurs in most people. Gluten intolerance can go unnoticed but is still causing harm to the digestive system. After many years of consumption, the tiny villi no longer function. Consequently, those vitamins and minerals you take for health benefits pass through bodily functions. Therefore, little or no absorption ever takes place.

A connection made by Dr. Joel Wallach when he conducted his study concerning the number of increased deaths from COVID-19 began in Italy. The investigation started with the Italian diet. After all, this is the country known for introducing pasta to the world. Of course, most pasta comes from wheat loaded with gluten and consumed by Italians almost religiously. On the other hand, Italy’s German neighbors had a much lower COVID-19 death rate . Because, according to Wallach, they get their starches from rice and potatoes. But what has gluten to do with death from COVID-19?

bone and joint pak

Click the link or the photo for osteoporosis support.

Decreased Immunity

Gluten And Osteoporosis

Dr. Joel Wallach explained the lack of absorption of necessary vitamins and minerals is the common denominator of degenerative disease and low immunity. Consequently, osteoporosis (a degenerative disease) is prevalent in gluten-intolerant individuals. Therefore, the older a person is who consumes gluten regularly increases the possibility of illness. According to the published study, Prevalence of osteoporosis in the Italian population and main risk factors: results of BoneTour Campaign, (BoneTour is a campaign conducted throughout the Italian territory to assess Italian people’s bone status and the prevention of osteoporosis.) Below is a quote from that study:

“The prevalence rate of osteoporosis was approximately 18.7 %, while the rate of osteopenia was about 42.6 %. The 10-year-fracture-risk calculated by FRAX™ algorithm displayed variation across Italy.”

Cavalli, L., Guazzini, A., Cianferotti, L. et al. Prevalence of osteoporosis in the Italian population and main risk factors: results of BoneTour Campaign. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 17, 396 (2016).

Increase Immunity And Evade Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that eventually destroys bone marrow. Bone marrow is the source of white and red blood cells needed to attack any unwanted invaders to the body. When you have osteopenia, your bones are weak but strong enough to not break easily during a fall. Imagine your fire department responding to a fire at your house. There they are with their trucks, hoses, and equipment, but there is no water to put out the fire. The solution would be to have plenty of water so that the immune system can take over whenever those fires flare up. I suggest that anyone facing the threat of osteoporosis strengthen immunity and bone structure by supplementation. The Healthy Bone & Joint Pak  (left) will provide your fire department with the necessary nutrients or water supply that you need.

We increase immunity by eliminating wheat, rye, barley, and oats from our diet. Eliminating gluten  increases absorption and adds medical nutrition to our daily regimen. Many doctors will tell you that all you have to do is eat right, and you’ll get the nutrients you need, but they are mistaken. If you listen to their advice, you will make more frequent visits to see them. While this is good for their business, it is of no service to you. We make these posts for this very reason. We believe that everyone should take responsibility for their health and the way that they feel. Don’t leave yourselves at the mercy of doctors; they are the third leading cause of death in the U.S.

Book your free 15-minute consultation today!

—Dr. Stuart W. Brown

Stuart Brown, D.D.



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