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Can the wonderful world catch COVID after the vaccine?

Many believe that they will not catch COVID after the vaccine. But as I sit here today contemplating the latest news about the mRNA vaccines, I heard a quote many years ago. It went something like, “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” Upon research, I discovered the exact quote below:

“No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have searched the records for years and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby. The mistake that is made always runs the other way. Because the plain people are able to speak and understand, and even, in many cases, to read and write, it is assumed that they have ideas in their heads and an appetite for more. This assumption is a folly.”

– H. L. Mencken, The Sun, September 18, 1926

An article published on April 21, 2021, by Steven Findlay of Kaiser Health News, found on, “The Rare and Frightening Reality of Catching COVID After Being Vaccinated,” referenced breakthrough infections. This term troubles me, and I’d like to take a moment to discuss it as I do have ideas in my head and an insatiable appetite for more.

CDC’s Definition Of A Breakthrough Infection

The article notes that the CDC defines breakthrough infection as illness or a positive test two weeks or more after complete vaccination. Furthermore, tens of thousands after their first shot of the double-dose vaccine or that are short of two weeks after the second catch COVID after the vaccine. Science is playing God and experimenting with the people. The experimentation may help some people, but not without help from God.

According to the CDC, these infections occurred in 40% of people aged 60 or older, with 65% being women. While 29% of infected people reported no symptoms, 7% required hospitalization, and 1% (74 people) died.

1,375,649 have been recorded as dead directly from COVID-19 or due to COVID-19 pneumonia by the CDC in one year. 1% of the world’s estimated population is approximately 77,000,000. When we do the math, the effectiveness of the vaccinations becomes questionable.

A Vaccine Requires A Healthy Immune System To Be Effective

Science and allopathic medicine still must depend upon the God-given immune system we all were born with for a vaccine to be beneficial. Despite all the research, this factor is why people catch covid after the vaccine. It isn’t going away. Johnson & Johnson and Astra Zeneca produced vaccines discovered to cause blood clots in some people. Consequently, they were put on hold, having no explanation for the discovery. On April 23, the CDC reaffirmed their support for the J&J vaccine because the benefits outweigh the risk. This begs the question, “To whose benefit?”

Vaccines Do Not Kill Viruses, Fungi, Or Yeasts – No Breakthrough Infection

You can’t have a breakthrough infection when there is no protection to breakthrough. None of these vaccines can guarantee safety in the first place. They can only shoot at a target that is constantly moving. Everyone’s immune system will respond differently depending upon how compromised it is at the onset. Think about it. Suppose your immune system is already fighting high blood pressure, diabetes, or pre-diabetes, at the same time you receive an infection of COVID. In that case, you will have a rough time beating it. Yet this particular vaccine has risen to the point of almost being mandatory for what? They’ve got all these bottles of vaccines that few want (for a good reason). Now because BIG PHARMA can’t get enough adults to accept them, it recently became fair game to give it to children.

Consider The Dietary Differences

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you not to take a vaccine if you’re okay with it. But I can only hope this worldwide pandemic will cause you to be aware of a couple of things. First, every country is not experiencing the same infection rates and deaths of the so-called healthy as the United States and Europe. Second, these are nations of varying nationalities with a common thread. They follow a European diet that includes abundant gluten consumption. Other countries of varying ethnicities with more minor infections and deaths (generally Asian) choose rice, maize (corn), and sweet potatoes over grains. Most Americans love toasted cereals in the mornings so much that local supermarkets usually dedicate an entire aisle to them. Add doughnuts, pasta, oatmeal, pizza, beer, whiskey, and other gluten-containing products, and we have a recipe for disaster. All products containing gluten introduce pro-inflammatory cytokines. These are the culprits that weaken the immune system. Vitamin D helps prevent a cytokine storm from taking place. But wouldn’t it be more diligent to eliminate the fuel of the fire and try to smother the flames?

Be Aware That Private Interests Sponsor Mainstream Media

The statistics don’t lie, but the status quo avoids telling the truth. They support the lies told by their sponsors with draconian control of the mainstream media. But let me remind you again that no one has ever lost money or public office by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.

Here is the truth. Whether naturally occurring or artificial, diseases require a healthy immune system to combat them. If your immune system is over-taxed, your chances may be very slim when it comes to catching COVID, after the vaccine or not.

Most degenerative diseases are the result of nutritional deficiencies. If not from your negligence, then from the woman’s failure, you came from through no fault of your own. Since the nutrition is lacking from the food you have eaten all your life, you must supplement. When you consume nutritional supplements, they must be absorbed. If they merely pass through your body, you can’t provide it with what it needs to stay healthy. What you don’t digest in the gut never makes it to the bone marrow. Your bone marrow produces T-cells, white blood cells, platelets, and all the other incredible elements that create antibodies to keep you well.

At 68, I Survived COVID – So Can You

By the grace of God, I survived COVID after abandoning gluten years ago and cleaned up my act considerably. My beliefs never allowed fear to drive me towards hospitalization, but I had a rough time with over 60 years of consuming gluten. Due to gluten-intolerance, I received an appendectomy when I was only 12 years old. I didn’t connect the dots until much later on in my life. Babies and young children shrug COVID off like a cold with the sniffles and are better in three days. Their systems are not overburdened with gluten and toxicity from our environment yet.

Vaccinate And You Are Still Not Done

70% of your immune system is right there in your gut. It is easy to conclude from this standard fact that what you eat is what either perpetuates or destroys your ability to absorb, so the first thing to do is to get off of gluten. Take care of your flesh while you are still in it, and get my new book, The Seven Steps To Naturally Stronger Immunity And Pandemic Survival, to learn how. It is available in printed or electronic book formats through our website by clicking the link above or either image below. It is an audiobook on Audible, print, and electronic versions on iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Google Books, and Smashwords. The status quo wants a cashless society, so we are forced into this Great Reset. Okay, but good health will always be worth far more than money.

— Dr. Stuart Brown

stronger immunity
stronger immunity

Stuart Brown, D.D.



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