Bold, Revealing Politics Degrading Your Health Today – Exposed

8 · 18 · 21

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politics of your health

Here is one example of the politics of health. As a natural health and wellness advocate, I know that people get sicker because of what they eat. And when MDs tell you that the ailment is genetic, it’s because they have no clue.

I recently posted a photo on social media to advertise my new book, The Seven Steps To Naturally Stronger Immunity And Pandemic Survival. It included a caption that read, “If wearing masks, washing hands, and social distancing was all we needed, we wouldn’t need this book.” While raising curiosity about my book, a discussion ensued about the validity of wearing masks. So, I decided to use this time to talk about wearing masks. And even further about Dr. Fauci and his Manchurian prescription to ease the coronavirus spread.

The Political Determinants Of Health

I received various comments, and almost all were politically motivated and partial to not wearing masks. Because there is a feeling people who wear masks are like sheep led by mainstream media and the government. I came to this conclusion based on several illustrations. One was a meme photo of a sheep, mouth open wide, with the caption, “Has anybody seen my mask!!!” Another, an animated GIF meme of Pixar character Buzz Lightyear talking into his wrist radio. The caption reads, “There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.” Another viewer wrote, “Lose the mask and government control.” Are you getting this picture?

politics of your health

Politics and health make strange bedfellows. When the government requests or makes it mandatory for the public to take certain precautions, it is because their first responsibility is to its citizens. They must at least appear to care for their people because it is the politics of health. You may not want to wear a mask when you enter a business like a grocery store while picking up items for tonight’s dinner, but others who are doing the same thing as you will appreciate it. Never mix the regard for others with political beliefs. In other words, don’t exalt man over God.

Citizen’s Band Radios—The Old Days

I am old enough to remember the late ’70s and early ’80s when CB radios exploded in popularity at home. But on the road, they were necessary if you drove an 18-wheeler. Each operator used a handle and was careful not to reveal their actual name. However, the radios enabled those at home to communicate with truckers driving on the road. Consequently, they would warn them when a “Smokey” was hiding. Now they could slow down and not get a ticket. Having a personal CB radio allowed you to disguise yourself and say anything because you could remain incognito. CB carried a lifestyle and a lingo that only truckers used. Some would disguise themselves behind the handle and the radio.

Fast-Forward To The Internet Age -Trolls

Presently, the technology is different, but the people are the same. Social media brings out what is commonly known as “trolls.” These trolls have handles as well as agendas they want to promote. By this token, the politics of health lack integrity of any kind. Trolls desire to “flame” and disrupt the flow of truthful information as directed by some cult leader they believe can save them. But only Jesus saves–to the utmost!

politics of your health

The Importance Of Truth In Politics And Health

When dealing with these laboratory-made plagues you will need faith, which comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The knowledge of God will give you better discernment. Knowledge to help you to wade your way through the deception and lead you to the knowledge of the truth. The Word tells us in Hebrews 13:17 that we are to

Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.

For more on the truth about medicine click here.

In Politics Or Health, Take The High Ground

The only time we need to disobey is when those that rule over us instruct us to act contrary to Scripture. It is essential to know what Scripture says to always be on the right side of things. Many people play tug of war with God by only calling on him when he is needed to fix things while despising him otherwise.

When it comes to wearing a mask, washing hands, and social distancing, this is common sense to some people. But others will reject anything that makes them do something they don’t feel is necessary. No matter how good something is when presented to a group of people for adoption, there is usually 10% who will disagree. Scripture refers to these characters as stiff-necked people. I call them parsimonious and selfish because the adoption of new mandates considers someone else instead of just one’s self.

Who Is Better At Healing, Man Or God?

Now let’s get to the root of the matter. God is the ultimate healer. He has already provided every one of us with an immune system just for this purpose. As a result, not everyone will catch this virus and get sick and, not everyone infected with it will survive it. People with severely compromised immune systems (much like our government system is now) will have trouble if they catch it. Science has developed vaccines that may assist you in resisting the virus, but only if your immune system isn’t dead or dying in the first place. One’s body may not respond to the information provided to it. Your bone marrow produces red and white blood cells, platelets, and T-cells that can identify the virus and create a counterattack. Furthermore, no one is yet aware of these vaccines’ long-term side effects, as this is all brand new to us. The pharmaceutical industry gets to use the general public as one giant medical trial, and a patient has no recourse if it fails.

My new book, The Seven Steps To Naturally Stronger Immunity And Pandemic Survival provides what everyone should and should not be doing to keep their immune system healthy. Before this pandemic arrived, I used these protocols. These protocols, with the help of God, enabled me to fight my way through COVID without hospitalization or a visit to the doctor’s office. Your small investment of just $7.99 for this book has the potential to not only change your life by changing your lifestyle but also to add years of graceful aging to your life.

Stuart Brown, D.D.



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