Breast Cancer Prevention Rules Made Easy For The Working Woman

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breast cancer preventionUnderstanding Breast Cancer Risk Factors

Below you will find a simple but effective guide to breast cancer prevention but it has to begin with understanding the cancer risk factors. Breast cancer is a widespread malignancy among women and a leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally. It is influenced by various risk factors, some of which are changeable and others which are unchangeable.

breast cancer

Modifiable vs. Non-modifiable Risk Factors

Modifiable factors like poor diet, physical inactivity, and obesity increase breast cancer risk while consuming healthy foods and drinks provides protection. Adopting appropriate lifestyle changes can effectively lower women’s susceptibility to breast cancer.

Some breast cancer risk factors like gender, age, and genetics, cannot be changed. Inherited mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes also greatly increase breast cancer risk, especially if a first-degree relative has been diagnosed with the disease.

Risk Factors You Can Change

Cooking methods: Cooking meat, fish, and chicken at elevated temperatures, such as frying, grilling, or charring, generates chemical compounds known as heterocyclic amines (HCAs). They create an increased risk of developing cancer, including breast cancer, by causing DNA damage and promoting mutagenic changes in cells.

heterocyclic amines

Alcohol and smoking: Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking are linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. Alcohol can increase estrogen levels and disrupt hormone balance, while toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke contribute to cancer development.

Physical activity: Regular physical activity reduces the risk of breast cancer, especially in post-menopausal women. Studies have shown that women who walk briskly for one hour daily or have equivalent physical activity can reduce their breast cancer risk by 15%.

Nutrition and Breast Cancer Prevention

Certain nutrients may reduce the risk of breast cancer, including vitamin D, sulforaphane from cruciferous vegetables, selenium, and compounds found in green tea. On the other hand, overindulging of highly processed foods, fats, red meat, and refined sugars links to greater breast cancer risk.

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The Vitality Now Anti-Cancer Diet

At Vitality Now, we recommend a balanced diet rich in protective nutrients and lifestyle changes:

  • Eat roasted, boiled, and stewed meats, fish, and poultry
  • Include several servings of tomatoes, onions, and green leafy vegetables daily
  • Consume a wide variety of fruit and vegetable-based antioxidants
  • Limit alcohol consumption to no more than one drink per day
  • Give up fried foods
  • Do not eat or cook with margarine
  • Avoid using oils for cooking
  • Avoid eating meat cooked well done
  • Do not consume burnt fats
  • Supplement daily with a complete multiple vitamin-mineral supplement containing the 90 essential nutrients
  • Consume the equivalent of four cups of green tea per day
  • Supplement with an extra 400 to 1,000 mcg of selenium per day


We also suggest supplementing with essential nutrients and antioxidants, including selenium, green tea extract, and grape seed extract. However, always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Additional Dietary Guidelines for Breast Cancer Prevention

Based on current research, we recommend the following additional dietary guidelines:

  1. Give up fried foods: Harvard Health emphasizes reducing fried food consumption for overall health.
  2. Do not eat or cook with margarine: The Texas Heart Institute suggests using healthier oils instead of margarine to reduce saturated fat intake.
  3. Never use oils to cook with: UCSF Health advises minimizing added fats during cooking, suggesting methods such as baking, boiling, and roasting instead of frying.
  4. Do not eat meat cooked well done: The Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest being mindful of cooking methods for meats to promote better health.
  5. Do not eat burnt fats: While specific sources of burnt fats may be limited, general guidelines emphasize avoiding burnt foods for health reasons.
  6. Supplement daily with a complete multiple vitamin-mineral supplement containing the 90 essential nutrients: While specific online sources for the “90 essential nutrients” may vary, it’s generally accepted that a comprehensive multivitamin can assist in meeting dietary needs.
  7. Consume a wide variety of fruit and vegetable-based antioxidants: The CDC recommends a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to ensure adequate intake of antioxidants.
  8. Consume the equivalent of four cups of green tea per day: Healthline discusses many benefits of consuming green tea, particularly its antioxidant properties.
  9. Supplement with an extra 400 to 1,000 mcg of selenium per day: The National Institutes of Health provides detailed information regarding selenium, recommending a daily intake to support various health functions.

mighty 90

breast cancer prevention[Image: Fresh selenium-rich foods like Brazil nuts and sunflower seeds]

Empowering Your Health Journey

At Vitality Now, we believe in empowering you with knowledge and tools to take control of your health. Understanding breast cancer risk factors and making informed lifestyle choices can significantly reduce your risk and promote overall well-being.

Remember, while these dietary and lifestyle changes can help reduce breast cancer risk, they should complement, not replace, regular medical check-ups and screenings.

For more information on breast cancer prevention and our holistic approach to health, visit our website or contact us:

Phone: 1-818-861-6436
Email: [email protected]

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