Why Are There Such Monumental Low COVID Death Rates Among African People?

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low covid death ratesWhy Are There Such Monumental Low COVID Death Rates Among African People?

This article will examine the low COVID death rates in Africa. So my goal as a health and wellness consultant is to emphasize how important nutrition is to better health. Consequently, when I read articles on COVID infections, I look for the telltale signs of dietary consumption.

A case in point is an article published in the New York Times by Stephanie Nolen titled, Trying to Solve a Covid Mystery: Africa’s Low Death Rates. This title encouraged me to solve this mystery in the paragraphs that follow.

The COVID Death Rate Is Lower In Sub-Saharan Africa

Sierra Leone, located on the coast of Western Africa with eight million people, is the biggest reason for this so-called mystery. There is a shallow rate of coronavirus infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. However, reports sh0w us that there has been an increase in wheat consumption in North Africa and South Africa in recent years.

In recent decades, the countries of Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco have been the biggest importers of wheat on the African continent. But according to a recently released report from Rabobank, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is expected to overtake Northern Africa in wheat imports within the next 10 years. See “Sub-Saharan Africa Taking In More Wheat

African Diet Contributes To Low COVID Death Rates

Many Africans get starches from potatoes, rice, corn, and squash. Because of a diet without wheat COVID death rates and the infection rate remained low. The starches in an African diet are similar to those in the Asian diet, which are healthier and generally increase longevity.

The western diet includes wheat, rye, barley, and oats. Convenient foods such as tortillas, beer, toasted cereals, and pizza crust give us trouble. However, these fast food items creep into various cultures with high demand as populations grow.

COVID Death Rates Are Higher In Western Countries

Non-absorption of nutrients destroys the bone marrow. The human body loses its ability to create enough white blood cells, T-cells, platelets, and macrophages. So without them, there isn’t enough immunity left to attack a virus.

Many in Italy died from COVID-19 as they were the ones who introduced pasta to the world. Countries like Germany, which are practically next door, choose to consume rice and potatoes for their starches, and the mortality rate is much lower. Excerpt from Nutritional Immunity Adds Years To Your Life

In Dietary gluten reduces the number of intestinal regulatory T cells in mice (PubMed.org), we learn that:

Dietary gluten significantly decreased the occurrence of Tregs (regulatory T cells) by 10-15% (P < 0.05) in mice compared with those fed a standard diet…In conclusion, dietary gluten has a significant negative quantitative impact on the generation of Treg in mice…

Dr. Joel Wallach, a veterinarian, and physician, uses his experience with animals to point out the similarities in all mammals. He recognizes that animals get many of the same diseases that humans do. Consequently, he discovered 90 essential nutrients that help to provide optimal health. Furthermore, animals contract the same ailments from lacking the same nutrition in their diet. All that’s different are the names.

A 2016 article on World-Grain.com noted that Africa’s population growth is key to its increased import demand. Also, grains, including wheat, are Africa’s most imported agricultural commodity.

In recent decades, the countries of Egypt, Algeria and Morocco have been the biggest importers of wheat on the African continent. But according to a recently released report from Rabobank, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is expected to overtake Northern Africa in wheat imports within the next 10 years.

The African Death Rate From Disease Will Likely Increase With Grain Consumption

Gluten: A Threat To Natural Immunity

Wheat, rye, barley, and oats all contain a sticky protein called gluten that, after many years of consumption, destroys essential tissue in the small intestine and lessens immunity. These tiny raised finger-shaped tissues are called villi, and their job is to absorb calories and nutrients from foods. This sticky gluten, or in the case of oats, gliadin, a component of gluten, adheres to the lining of the small intestine. The word gluten comes from the word “glue,” not by coincidence. After a considerable accumulation of this sticky protein develops in the small intestine, gluten intolerance, a common occurrence, takes place with a majority of people. Gluten intolerance can go on unnoticed but is still causing harm to the digestive system. After many years of consumption, the tiny villi no longer function. ”

Excerpt From: Dr. Stuart W. Brown. “The Seven Steps To Naturally Stronger Immunity And Pandemic Survival.” Apple Books.



If you are a reader of this article living in a western country, be warned. You may think that you can get all the nutrition you need from eating right, but it’s impossible. Why?

  • The USDA Food Pyramid is entirely wrong.
  • Soils are depleted of mineral content by western farming methods
  • Farmed fish and animals are grain-fed and not allowed a natural diet
  • Farmers grow fruits and vegetables by using chemical fertilizers with only three minerals, and you need at least 60
  • Gluten compromises the absorption of vitamins and minerals

Our Healthy Body Start Pak 2.5 provides 90 essential nutrients: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and two essential fatty acids.


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Stuart Brown, D.D.



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